Page 80 - Slovenci v Himalaji od 1954 do 2013

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S L O V E N C I V H I M A L A J I O D 1 9 5 4 D O 2 0 1 3
Expedition‘s name, year
and organizer
Name and surname of expedition‘s
leader and members
Kyle Dempster (USA),
Hayden Kennedy
(USA) and Urban Novak
Other members
: Jesse Mease, Erin Wil-
son, Shingo Ohkawa (vsi USA)
Sulu peak (5950 m), S coluar
K7 (6935 m)
Nasser Brakk (5100 m), Brita-
nian route
Lady finger (cca. 5300 m)
Phatan Brakk (5410 m)
Marko Prezelj,
Luka Stražar, Luka Lindič,
Luka Krajnc, Tadej Krišelj, Nejc Marčič, Mar-
tin Žumer, Miha Gašperin - doctor
Phola Gangchen (7661 m), Tibet
The list does not include other big Asian mountain ranges, event not Hindukush. But we have to mention two
expeditions in Hindukush because of their himalayan organisation and immportance, not to lost them in the
1. Istor-o-Nal (7398 m)
: Expedition organized by Alpine Club Kranj, 1971, leader Ivo Valič and 9 members, first
ascent from south and second at all (5.6.1971: Janko Ažman and Zvone Kofler). On their way back to Europe
Zvone Kofler was badly injured and died in Kabul on 1.July 1971.
2. Tirich Mir East (7692 m):
Polish Expedition organized together with Alpine Clubs Domžale, Kamnik and
Mengeš on 1978, leader Stanislav Rudzinski (PL), second ascent of top and new route (North ridge 11.8.1978
Miro Štebe and Matjaž Veselko, 14.8.: Cene Berčič and Miro Šušteršič).
Abbreviations: N, S, W, E: north, south, west, east, and combinations.
States: SI -Slovenia, AT - Austria, BA - Bosnia and Hercegovina, FR - France, GB – Great Britain, HR - Croatia, HU
- Hungary, IT - Italy, KZ- Kazahstan, MA - Macedonia, MN - Mongolia, NL - Netherland, NP - Nepal, PL - Poland,
MX - Mexico, RU - Rusia, SE - Sveden, US - USA, YU - Yugoslavia, CL - Chile, AR - Argentina.
Bivakiranje / Bivouac