Page 63 - Slovenci v Himalaji od 1954 do 2013

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S L O V E N I A N S I N T H E H I M A L AYA S F R O M 1 9 5 4 T O 2 0 1 3
Date of summit ascent and summi-
Date, highest point reached (wit-
hout summit), mountaineers
01. 10.: Tomaž Humar, Ja-nez Jeglič,
Carlos Carsolio
15. 10.: Vincenc Berčič, Tomaž Humar,
Janez Jeglič, Franci Kokalj, Marjan Kovač
31. 10.: Tomaž Humar, Janez Jeglič
New route in North-East Face
Normal route
New route inWest Face to Nuptse W2
7742m. On the ridge (7760 m) toWest
Nuptse was Janez Jeglič blown into
death by strong wind. Tomaž Humar
desc¬ended the same route solo.
21. 04.: Marko Prezelj
29. 04.: Marko Prezelj, Thierry Schmitter
New route via East side.
New route via North-West side and
north ridge. 1. ascent
23. 05.: Gregor Lačen, Miha Marenče
24. 05.: Tomaž Jakofčič, Peter Mežnar
26. 05.: Tadej Golob, Janko Meglič, Du-
šan Polenik
Normal route on South-East ridge.
Andrej Markovič and Blaž Stres
climbed left couloir in „Eiger“, near-
ly 6000 m high pillar in North-West
Face of Dhaulagiri on 25. 05.
30. 09.: Franc Oderlap, Primož Štular
Normal route
6.Oct.: Andrej Štremfelj, Marko Čar, Pe-
ter Mežnar, Marko Prezelj
7.Oct.: Tomaž Jakofčič, Matic Jošt, Jan-
ko Meglič, Blaž Navršnik
10.Oct.: Janko Meglič
12.Oct.: Marko Čar, Marko Prezelj, An-
drej Štremfelj
11.Oct.: Marko Čar, Tomaž Jakofčič, Ma-
tic Jošt, Peter Mežnar, Marko Prezelj,
Andrej Štremfelj
31.Oct.: Tomaž Jakofčič, Peter Mežnar
1.Nov.: Marko Čar, Matic Jošt, Marko
Prezelj, Andrej Štremfelj
First ascent
Second ascent
First ascent
Second ascent from south
Normal route, partly new route
New route and first ascent from
South Face up to 7350 m and east rid-
ge up to 7900 m
02. 11.: Tomaž Humar
New route (third) in south face up to
7350 m and descent via north-east
Alpine-style, solo, all together 11 days.
22. 05.: Franc Pepevnik, Milan Romih
Normal route