Page 67 - Slovenci v Himalaji od 1954 do 2013

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S L O V E N I A N S I N T H E H I M A L AYA S F R O M 1 9 5 4 T O 2 0 1 3
Date of summit ascent and summi-
Date, highest point reached (wit-
hout summit), mountaineers
16. 10.: Urban Golob, Matija Jošt, Uroš
First ascent, first route in West Face.
Partly new route up to 7300 m: 17.
Steve House, Marko Prezelj
New route up to 7200 m where it jo-
ins with British route. They tried up
to 7300m.
5. 10.: Barbara Drnovšek and Anna
Normal route
29. 10.: Tomaž Humar, Mašut Žumajev,
Denis Raspopov, Vasilij Pivcov
Normal route via North summit
26. 04.: Milan Romih and Franc Pe-
pevnik were skiing from C2 – 6900 m
to B.C. – 4600 m
27. 04.: Blaž Navršnik was skiing from
C2 – 6900 m to B.C. – 4600 m
28. 04.: Dušan Debelak, Viktor Mlinar
were skiing to C2 – 6900 m to B.C. –
4600 m
Expedition was due to bad weather
Krzystol Tarasewicz
Normal route up to 7700 m
17. 05: Barbara Drnovšek
Normal route (Pustelnik and Ta-
rascwicz reached the top)
03. 07.: Steve House, Matija Jošt. Marko
Japanese route up to 6000 m, 16.
06: Matija Jošt, Marko Prezelj, Steve
Attempt to climb Masher¬brum
finished at 6000 m because of bad
Second ascent and new route
Rupal Face up to 6530 m
22. 07: Tomaž Humar
Attempt to climb Rupal Face solo
finished at 6530 m because of bad
27. 09.: Roman Dobrajc
Normal route
04. 10.: Jernej Bevk, Rok Blagus, Tine
Cuder, Samo Krmelj and both Mongo-
Normal route
21. 05.: Viktor Grošelj, Rafko Vodišek,
Stipe Božić (HR), Joško Božić (HR), Dado
Mesarić (HR), Šatajev (RUS)
First ascent