Page 59 - Slovenci v Himalaji od 1954 do 2013

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S L O V E N I A N S I N T H E H I M A L AYA S F R O M 1 9 5 4 T O 2 0 1 3
Date of summit ascent and summi-
Date, highest point reached (wit-
hout summit), mountaineers
23. 10.: Marko Prezelj, Andrej Štremfelj
First ascent, alpine style
6700 m – Filip Bence in Iztok Tomazin After the establishment of three
altitude camps and reaching of al-
titude 6700 m, they were need to
finished with expedition because of
13. 06.: Viktor Grošelj, Zvonko Požgaj,
Stipe Božić, Carlos Carsolio
23. 06.: Goran Kropp
Ascent via Abbruzzi Ridge.
6900 – 7000 m
Trying new routes in the south wall –
solo climb of Slavko Svetičič
10. 10.: Matej Kranjc
11. 10.: Iztok Tomazin
Normal route from north
28. 5.: Vanja Furlan, Uroš Rupar
Normal route, 4. ascent Reconna-
issance exp. for East Face of Kang-
08. 10.: Vanja Furlan
New route and first ascent via North-
West Face, solo, alpine style.
South ridge up to 7000 m
14. 10.: Beno Dolinšek
Attempt to make first ascent from
south. While descending from sum-
mit attempt Beno Dolinšek was kil-
13. 11. : Stane Belak, Tomaž Humar
Japanese route with a new variant
18. 04.: Franc Pepevnik
Normal route
29. 04.: Andrej Karničar, Davorin Karni-
čar, Carlos Carsolio
06. 05.: Tomaž Humar
31. ascent. Andrej and Davorin Kar-
ničar made first successful descent
on skis from the top
32. ascent
18. June: Slavko Svetičič, West Face
up to 7100 m
Attempt to climb solo in alpine style
a new route in W Face finished tra-
gicaly. After reaching the highest
point 7100 m Svetičič stayed there
and died.