Page 55 - Slovenci v Himalaji od 1954 do 2013

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S L O V E N I A N S I N T H E H I M A L AYA S F R O M 1 9 5 4 T O 2 0 1 3
Date of summit ascent and summi-
Date, highest point reached (wit-
hout summit), mountaineers
South Ridge (Magic Line) up to 8100 m
13. 07.: Filip Bence, Andrej Štremfelj
Attempt to climb K 2 via polish Ma-
gic Line. Also attempt via Abbruzzi
Ridge without success
12. 09.: Rok Preložnik, Danilo Tič
13. 09.: Anton Golnar, Andrej Gradišnik
Normal route
02. 11.: Iztok Tomazin
05. 11.: Viktor Grošelj, Jože Rozman
08. 11.: Rado Nadvešnik, Marko Prezelj
09. 11.: Blaž Jereb, Roman Robas
New route in North Face: Tomazin
ascended via direct to summit and
descended via Normal route, Nad-
vešnik and Pre¬zelj via new route
direct to summit. Others from new
route to the right and via normal
route to summit.
27. 08.: Martin Hrastnik, Andreja
Hrastnik, Franček Knez
08. 09.: Martin Hrastnik, Franček Knez
Top of the Face 6000 m (new route)
Top of the Face 6150 m (new route)
30. 04.: Viktor Grošelj
10. 05.: Viktor Grošelj, Stipe Božić, Di-
mitar Ilievski, Agiva (NP) in Sonam (NP)
Normal route
Normal route via South Col
28. 04.: Tomo Česen
New route in North Face, solo, alpine
South-West Face up to 6300 m
30. 07: Franc Knez, Andreja Hrastar
New route in South-West Face to the
edge of the wall on 6300 m
01. 10.: Rok Kolar, Stanko Mihev
New and first route in North Face
19. 10.: Pavle Kozjek, Andrej Štremfelj
20. 10.: Filip Bence, Viktor Grošelj
12. 10.: Stane Belak, Filip Bence, Pavle
Kozjek, Andrej Štremfelj
South-West pillar – new route, alpi-
ne style
British route in South-West Face de-
scent variant.
First ascent, alpine style
24. 04.: Tomo Česen
New route in South Face (in area of
Yugoslav route 1981), solo, alpine