Page 51 - Slovenci v Himalaji od 1954 do 2013

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S L O V E N I A N S I N T H E H I M A L AYA S F R O M 1 9 5 4 T O 2 0 1 3
Date of summit ascent and summi-
Date, highest point reached (wit-
hout summit), mountaineers
01. 10.: Slavko Cankar, Smiljan Smodiš,
Bojan Šrot
04. 10.: Franc Pepevnik, Jože Zupan
New route via South Face
Trying a new route it was comple-
ted on altitude of 5900 m, it was too
dangerous. Then they climbed up
the British C3 in order from there
again to try left. After reaching the
height 6400 m they were rejected
because of objective dangers.
27. 10.: Stane Belak, Pavle Kozjek, Mar-
jan Kregar, Emil Tratnik
New route via North Ridge and first
ascent from north
South Ridge via Tyrolean Route up to
7000 m
23. 04.: Viktor Grošelj, Edo Retelj
The expedition was abandoned be-
cause of Bučan‘s and Zaplotnik‘s de-
ath in avalanche on next day 24. 06.
04. 05.: Viktor Grošelj, Stipe Božić
Ascent and descent via Tyrolean
Route in South Face
South Pillar up to 7700 m
28. 10.: Franc Knez, Marjan Frešer, Da-
nilo Tič
South Pillar-new route attempt up
to 7700 m
22. 04.: Borut Bergant, Tomo Česen
New route and first ascent from
East Face and North- East Ridge up to
7500 m
27. 10.: Stane Belak, Marjan Kregar,
Andrej Štremfelj, Iztok Tomazin
Partly new route in East Face con-
necting to normal route via North-
East Ridge